Aa No Bhadrah Kratavo Yantu ViswatahaLet noble thoughts come to us from every sideRigveda 1-89-i


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The Bhavan seeks the active participation and support of all in the movement of carrying the universal message of the great Indian Culture to the four corners of the world and of building up a Commonwealth of Faith, Hope and Basic Human Values, bringing nations and people together to strive for a world free from hatred and strife and full of love, peace and happiness. We therefore invite you to join us in continuing this pious and holy campaign and thus strengthen Bhavan’s hands in its relentless efforts.

become a Life Member/ Associate Member and you will be entitled to:

A copy of one of the Journals –

  • Bhavan’s Journal (English)
  • Navneet (Hindi)
  • Navneet Samarpan (Gujarati)

for twenty years to life members and one year to Associate member

  • A discount of 25% on the cover price of all the books published by Bhavan.
  • Free Membership of Bhavan’s library wherever exists.
  • Invitation to all Major functions of the Bhavan.

Membership forms

  • The duly filled-in form along with payment by Cheque or draft favouring Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Coimbatore is to be sent to our Kendra address.

Bhavan’s Journal – the English Fortnightly

Bhavan’s Journal is a fortnightly in English, started in 1954, it has come to be recognised as one of the most widely read magazines of our country, having a vast and enlightened readership in India and abroad. This unique journal is a digest that contains all that is best in India’s culture, art, spirituality and philosophy. Shunning cheap popularity and sensationalism, it has remained steadfast in the fulfillment of its noble mission. Published on the 15th and 30th of each month. It has 22 ordinary issues, sold at Rs. 20/- per copy and two special numbers containing over 240 pages, sold at Rs. 30/- per copy.

Bhavan’s NAVNEET- Hindi Digest

A Hindi monthly, devoted to life, literature and culture was started in 1952. Many outstanding poets, short story writers and thinkers contribute to the magazine which has won much popular acclaims.

The Navneet is published in Hindi on 1st of every month i.e. 12 issues a year. The cover price is Rs. 20/- per copy.

NAVNEET SAMARPAN – (Gujarati Monthly Digest)

A Gujarati monthly, devoted to life, literature and culture. Many outstanding poets, short story writers and thinkers, contribute to it. Republishing articles from Samarpan has become a usual feature in several Gujarati papers and magazines. The Navneet Samarpan is published in Gujarati on 1st of every month i.e. 12 issues a year.

The cover price is Rs. 20/- per copy

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