Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached
- Swami Vivekananda
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Events of 2024 – 25
Date Occasion  Topic /Resource Person
01.03.2025 Picnic KG classes
28.02.2025 National Science Day – Expo 2025 Dr.Manjulavalli T, Professor, HOD, NGM college Pollachi
24.02.2025 Hall ticket Pooja Std X & XI
22.02.2025 Excursion/ Bhavanisagar Dam Std VI & VII
21.02.2025 Excursion/ Bhavanisagar Dam Std VIII & IX
15.02.2025 Excursion/ Karunya Std I & II
14.02.2025 Hall ticket Pooja Std XII
07.02.2025 Expressing Gratitude to Parents Std XII students
31.01.2025 Lighting Ceremony Smt.Pavithra Srinivasan, Bharatanatyam Artiste
26.01.2025 Republic Day Celebration Smt.Srividhya Narayanan, Trustee, Pathways Foundation
25.01.2025 Excursion/ Nilgiri Biosphere Classes III to V
13.01.2025 Open House Meet Progress Card Distribution/All classes
10.01.2025 Thiruvalluvar Day Celebration Classes I to V
10.01.2025 KG Pongal Celebration KG classes
10.01.2025 National Youth Day Celebration Swami Bhaktivratanandaji, Classes VII to XII
08.01.2025 Gita Jayanthi Celebration Smt.Pavithra Srinivasan, Bharatanatyam Artiste
02.01.2025 School reopen for III term All classes
23.12.2024 Christmas Celebration All classes
20.12.2024 Math day celebration All classes
13.12.2024 Term II Exam commences All classes
11.12.2024 Bharatiyar Birthday Celebration All classes
29.11.2024 Annual Day Celebration All classes
26.11.2024 Peace March by Santi Ashram Few students of VSC participated
26.11.2024 Museum Visit Std VIII
14.11.2024 Children’s Day Celebration All classes
12.11.2024 CCE Inspection Smt.Vijayalakshmi, Education Officer, Sikshan Bharati
30.10.2024 Visit to Sevashram VSC Students
30.10.2024 PTA Meet Std X
28.10.2024 PTA Meet Std XI
25.10.2024 PTA Meet Std XII
24.10.2024 PTA Meet Std VIII
21.10.2024 Gita Chanting Competition Std VI to IX
18.10.2024 HE Orientation Career Guidance/ Shri. Ravindran, Treasurer, BVB Coimbatore Kendra
15.10.2024 Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam Birthday Celebration Std VI to XII
10.10.2024 Open House Meet All classes
07.10.2024 School reopen for II term All classes