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Human Excellence

Home / Human Excellence

The Human Excellence course aims at imparting sound vision of Indian culture, ethics, values and spiritual principles in a modern idiom to the youth by employing a scientific and rational approach. It is not merely confined to imparting values and ethics along but can help the youth to unfold their hidden potential and achieve excellence in every field of life. In short, it is an effective human resource development programme which can lead to total human fulfillment.

HE Syllabus

Bharathiya vidya Bhavan, Coimbatore Kendra takes pride for being the pioneers in setting up an exclusive Department of Human Excellence.

The Syllabus framed for the Department of Human Excellence :

  • Kindergarten Story telling and Slokas
  • Std I to VI Culture course (Bhavan’s Publication)
  • Std VII & VIII Ramayana & Unleashing Excellence (both Bhavan’s publications)
  • Std IX & X Mahabharata & Unleashing Excellence (both Bhavan’s publications)
  • Std XI Unleashing Excellence Learn to Live – I (Ramakrishna Mission’s publication)
  • Std XII Unleashing Excellence Learn to Live – II (Ramakrishna Mission’s publication)

Saturday Classes

This year the department of Human Excellence has been restructured to cater to the students of classes IX to XII. The students are divided into two groups of classes IX , XI & X, XII. It aims at providing Man Making Education by conducting Seminars, Workshops and Orientation programmes with an emphasis on Career guidance, Personality development, Leadership skills, Soft skills, Communication, Time management, Team building, Goal achieving, Planning and prioritizing, Positive attitude, Risk taking, Team spirit, Yoga and Meditation, Value systems.


Month Date Classes Topic Resource Person
June 15.06.2024 XI & XII Importance of character in life Br.Vignesh Chaitanya
29.06.2024 XI & XII Messages from the life of Swami Vivekananda Swami.Bhaktivridanandaji
July 06.07.2024 XI & XII How to overcome stress and tension.. Smt.Samathuvarani A
19.07.2024 to 21.07.2024 XII Sudharshana Kriya/Art of Living Smt.Sasi Rekha
26.07.2024 XI & XII Ten steps to success – Step 1 Dr.Venkatesh
August 17.08.2024 XI & XII Ten steps to success – Step 2 Smt.Dr.Geetha
September 24.09.2024 to 26.09.2024 VIII & XI Sudharshana Kriya/Art of Living Smt.Sasi Rekha
October 18.10.2024 IX & X Career Guidance Shri.Ravindran



