Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached
- Swami Vivekananda
0422 - 2542481 / 0422-2556351
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Home / Activities

Physical Education and Yoga

“An active mind resides in a healthy body”. Sports, an integral part of our curriculum, not only fosters physical well being but also inculcates team spirit and sportsmanship. The class schedule comprises Yoga sessions to nourish and maintain the physical, mental and spiritual balance of the students. Practice of Yoga enhances the concentration and clarity and relives stress.

Co-curricular Activities

The school attaches great importance to various activities beyond the mundane class routine to encourage latent talents, independent expression and progressive outlook. The school provides a wealth of opportunities for extracurricular pursuits such as debates, elocution, dance , art, writing , dramatics, super brain gym, quiz club, etc. Educational tours and excursions are organized to enrich their knowledgs through experience and contribute to the overall development of each child.

Mother’s Forum

The school follows a unique practice by inviting the mothers to visit the school. The Mothers’ forum visits periodically to take part and inspect the daily happenings at the school. The valuable suggestions given by them are incorporated for the betterment of the school.


We teach classical music as an integral part of our curriculum. Students are trained to chant slokas, recite Shivapuranam, Hanuman Chalisa , Adhithya Hridayam etc., Our Bhajan team, the proud winners of various District Level Bhajan competitions conducted in the city are also invited for guest performances in various parts of the city.
